
Gold and Bitcoin: Safe Havens or Rivals?

In her latest article published today on Allnews, Stéphanie Reihnboldt, Senior Equity Advisor, delves into the complex relationship between precious metals and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

In her latest article published today on Allnews, Stéphanie Reihnboldt, Senior Equity Advisor, delves into the complex relationship between precious metals and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Against the backdrop of persistent inflation and growing geopolitical uncertainties, she examines how these assets can play a vital role in preserving and diversifying portfolios.

Stéphanie Reihnboldt highlights the unique characteristics of gold and silver, which have been recognized for centuries as safeguards against monetary erosion. She emphasizes that their rarity, combined with industrial utility, positions them as indispensable pillars for cautious investors.

The article also explores the rise of Bitcoin, often dubbed "digital gold," and the challenges posed by its volatility and uncertain regulatory framework. This comparison sheds light on why, despite its disruptive potential, Bitcoin struggles to compete with the stability and longevity of precious metals.

Finally, the piece investigates the economic and geopolitical trends impacting the demand for gold and silver, particularly their growing role in innovative technologies and renewable energy.

👉 Read the full analysis (in French), published today on Allnews: L’or et le bitcoin sont-ils les deux facettes d’une même monnaie? | Allnews

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