
Showcase Event - Uncovered Harmony

Banque Heritage had the honor to host a showcase event showing some of Laurent de Pury and Jean-Louis Perrot's magnificent sculptures. The artists were introduced to the bank by the Galerie Rosa Turetsky.

Oktober 12, 2023


Showcase Event - Monumental Sculptures

Banque Heritage had the honor to host a showcase event showing some of Etienne Krähenbühl and Pierre Marie Lejeune’s imposing and magnificent sculptures. The artists were introduced to the bank by the Galerie Rosa Turetsky.

Oktober 13, 2022


Showcase Event - Les Bêtes Fragiles

Banque Heritage had the honor to host a showcase event showing some of Olivier Bertrand's most magnificent sculptures. He was accompanied by gallerist Mourad Daoudi and fellow artist Xavier Embise.

November 30, 2021

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